Modern Technology

At Evergreen Endo Centre, we use the latest techniques and state-of-the-art technologies to provide treatment that will alleviate your dental pain and save many teeth that may otherwise have been lost.

Surgical Microscope

Our surgical microscope provides us with a clear and sharp view so that we may perform your treatment with precise care.

CBCT (cone beam computerized tomography)

CBCT scans and provides us with a 3D visualization of your dental structure. This all around visualiztion allows us to accurately pinpoint problematic areas and deliver the best endodontic care possible with less radiation too.

Digital Radiography

Digital radiography replaces the traditional x-ray film and provides immediate digital viewing with enhanced imagery for a quicker and more accurate diagnosis. It also uses less radiation as opposed to conventional radiography.

Digital Dental Software

Your dental records, progress and care are passed digitally and effortlessly between your dentist and our staff, giving us quick up-to-date information in streamlining your dental care. It's secure and paperless.

If you would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us at